What the…Is Public Relations?

Well executed public relations efforts simply mean people are talking and thinking positively about your brand. And while it seems that advertising alone can achieve this, there is so much more that goes into building that ongoing “buzz” that you need to sway people’s opinions about your company.

Some examples of building buzz and a quality perception about your brand include:

  • Having your business and product featured in a local or national publication or television show such as this newspaper article about a food truck in the San Diego, Calif. area
  • Distributing press releases to local or national media to inform them about events, product launches, new menu items or charitable work you are doing in your community and ultimately having that information printed verbatim in media outlets
  • Participating in ongoing social media outreach via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram and engaging in conversations so that you know people are aware and talking about your brand
  • Arranging promotions and events in your community that encourage consumers to experience your products
  • Writing catchy, engaging content for your website that gets people excited about your business
  • Submitting calendar listings of your events, promotions or specials to local media or food-related websites.

And when you are so busy actually running your business, how does all of this get done? By hiring a professional public relations agency to do it for you! 
At Nosh Public Relations, we know how hard it is to manage your brand behind the scenes with everything else you are doing to run your company. We hit the ground running by pitching media about your unique story, sending out press releases, engaging in social media, building excitement about your brand and reaching thousands of potential clients through these public relations activities. 

For more information about what Nosh Public Relations can do for you, explore our Nosh Public Relations website or follow us on Facebook or Twitter: @Noshpr.